BREADS supports children who lost their parents to Covid

The second wave of COVID 19 has left thousands of children vulnerable and orphaned in India. While some have lost both their parents, others are in a situation where a single surviving parent cannot take care of them financially and psychologically. In this context, a programme was organised on September 1st, 2021, by Don Bosco […]
BREADS helps DB Bhadravati with Covidcare Medical Kits

BREADS Bangalore extended its support to Don Bosco Bhadravathi by providing Covid care medical kits, which were then handed over to Siddhartha Trust, Bhadravati. These useful kits were given to the Trust for the benefit of the inmates of Siddhartha Blind’s Centre, Bhadravati, who are visually impaired at varying degrees. The kit consists of basic […]
Don Bosco Devadurga ensures help to the COVID-affected families

During the COVID-19 pandemic Don Bosco Devadurga is reaching out to the families affected by COVID-19, by distributing ration kits in Raichur district of Karnataka. DB Devadurga conducted a need assessment survey with the help of Anganwadi staff, Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA), Panchayat Development Officers (PDOs), volunteers and staff of DB Devadurga to identify […]