Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

CHITHRA Don Bosco reached out to the nomads of Hiriyur

The lock-down seems to have affected even the nomads of Hiriyur, Chritradurga because they are unable to find enough food for their daily sustenance. This led them to ask people openly for food for mere survival. The CHITHRA team including Mr. Manjunath and Mr. Mahanthesh, CREAM social activists, travelled to Hiriyur, about 31 kms away […]

CHITHRA Don Bosco- part of the Chitradurga district Care Team

CHITHRA Don Bosco through the support of BREADS Bangalore, was privileged to be able to support people in need in Karackal village near Vidya Nagar with rations on 1 April 2020. The team visited the village near the Ayyappa Swamy temple and identified 11 families who were really underprivileged and without any means of sustenance. […]

Outcome Harvest and Partner Assessment Workshop of CREAM II

The long journey of Child Rights Education and Action Movement–CREAM took a pause. The seven years of interventions through conscientisation, campaigns, trainings, awareness programmes and formation of Child Rights Clubs (CRC) in ten districts of Karnataka have marked an impression in the community. As Phase II of CREAM reaches its end, it has taken a […]