Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Children advocating to make agendas for the elected representatives

The time has played its role to mould the children as the decision makers to make a better country. The children from the Child Rights Club of Chitradurga district, from the villages of M.D Kote, D.S Halli and Mallurahalli have taken an active step forward with the support of the CREAM staff (Child Rights Education […]

Exploring new platforms for spreading awareness on the Rights of Women and Children

India is home to the largest number of children in the world and their exposure to vulnerabilities and violations of rights remain multiple in nature. The manifestations of these violations are in various forms like malnutrition, abuse, inadequate health care, foeticide, infanticide, school dropout, child marriage, child labour, child trafficking, beggary and many others. The […]