Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Consultation on Gender Empowerment and the Age of Marriage for Girls

The Government of India Gazette of 4 June 2020 announced a task force to examine matters pertaining to the age of motherhood, imperatives of lowering maternal mortality rates, improvement of nutrition, correlations between age of marriage and motherhood with health, medical wellbeing and nutritional status of mother and neonate/infant/child during pregnancy, birth and thereafter. A […]

Training Youth on Gender Equality

Don Bosco Veedu Society organised a training for youth at HHMSPB NSS College for Women, Neeramankara, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on 24 January 2020.  The training was conducted to mark National Girl Child Day 2020 with the theme ‘Violence against Women and the need for Gender Equality in Education’, under the project Women Empowerment and Gender Equality […]

Stakeholders meeting at Ramanagara district, Karnataka

Under the Child Rights Education and Action Movement (CREAM) programme, Don Bosco Yuva Marg, Ajjanahalli, Ramanagara, hosted a district-level meeting of stakeholders from the Health, Education, Child Welfare, and Labour departments on 4 January 2020.   Inaugurating the programme, Mr. C.V. Raman, Deputy Director, Department of Women and Child Development (DWCD), Ramanagara, told the gathering that […]