Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Past Pupils Meet -2015

Don Bosco Child Labour Mission (DBCLM) has been rehabilitating child labourers for the past 19 years. So far DBCLM has rehabilitated 1882 child labourers and school dropouts. In view of the bicentenary celebrations of Bosco Bosco’s birth about 100 rehabilitated past students of DBCLM gathered together for a day of sharing, renewing and empowering.Inaugurating the […]

Karnataka State Level Consultation on Missing Children

A Consultation at Karnataka State Level was held on 22 January in Bangalore on the topic, Missing Children, Where are they? The goal was to analyse critically the issues related to children who go missing and the existing mechanism used to trace them. The Consultation was attended by the Missing Child Bureau Directors of all […]