CHILDLINE Se Dosti- National Campaign at Trivandrum

Whether it is the growth of a nation, a city or an individual, the seeds of its essence begin during childhood. Children’s week, which is celebrated from November 14th to 20th, was observed by Childline and its associates with the week-long national campaign, ‘Childline Se Dosti’.It aims to reach out to people from different walks […]
Legal Awareness Training for Self Help Groups

On 16th and 17th of October 2017 Chitra Don Bosco, Chitradurga, organized the legal awareness training for the members of the Self Help Groups at Chitradurga under the women Empowerment Project (WEP). About 39 women from various SHGs attended the training. Ms.Asha, WEP, Coordinator, Chithradurga welcomed the gathering. Speaking on the occasion Fr. Julian, Director, […]
International Girl Child Day

Don Bosco Kalaburgi organized the International Girl Child Day on 11th October 2017 in collaboration with the District Child Protection Unit at Government Girls Home, Kalaburgi. The day was celebrated under the theme “proud to be a girl”. Ms. Anitha, from CHILDLINE welcomed the gathering. During the introductory speech Ms.Geeta, Coordinator CREAM project, said that, […]