Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Rallying to demand justice

CREAM project, BOSCO, Bangalore, organized a rally from BOSCO Nilaya to Town Hall and joined the silent protest against child sexual abuse in collaboration with Karnataka State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (KSCPCR) on April 17, 2018. The main focus of the campaign was to demand justice for the victims of child abuse. Representatives […]

Training for leaders of child rights clubs

BOSCO Bangalore under the CREAM Project organized a two days training for the leaders of child rights clubs (CRC) at KSCPCR conference hall on April 9, 2018. While inaugurating the programme, Dr. Kripa Amar Alva, Chairperson, KSCPCR, said, “We see God in children. This place belongs to children. Providing service to children is equivalent to […]


Eramma, a motivated 15-year-old girl, comes from Dhonambali at Deodurga, Raichur, where the malaise of high dropout rates, child marriage and devadasi still persist. She is the president of the Child Rights Club formed under the CREAM project in the local public high school. During her studies, she discovered a 9-years-old girl called Shilpa who […]