Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Executing the power for the rights of children

On 24 June 2018 gathering information from very trustworthy sources and having received letters and documents from various sources including Chithra Don Bosco, the whole administrative team of Chitradurga district was all set for a combined effort to combat problems related to children in Konapura village, Molakalmuru taluk, Chitradurga District. Ms. VV Josna, Deputy Commissioner […]

Meeting with District Civil Magistrate, Chitradurga

Drawing the great inspiration and enthusiasm from the World Day Against Child Labour 2018 in Chitradurga in collaboration with the Labour Department, Mr. Dindilcoppa, District Civil Magistrate (DLSA) chaired a special meeting on 14th June 2018 along with Ms. Vyshali J, DCPO, Mr. Natraj, DDPI, Dr. G. Anand Prakash, RMO, Mr. Lokesh, Superindent, District Prison […]

World Day Against Child Labour in Kalaburagi

Child labour is one of the major problems in India, employing children for work that deprives of their precious childhood, curtailing the educational opportunities and causing harm to the children mentally, physically and morally. It is exploitative and even though laws have been formed the implementation of these laws on a strict basis not been […]