Training the workforce to fit the frame of competency

On 20th February 2019, 74 students were graduated while the new set of 91 is enrolled to be skilled to professionalism by the Don Bosco BEST Academy, Bangalore. By 2030 it is expected that a third of the world’s working age population (between 15 – 59 years) will be from India. This makes for a very […]
The Blessing and Inauguration of the new English Medium School at Don Bosco Vidhyakshethra Prakashpalaya

The Right to Education Act enacted in 2009 reiterate the importance of free and compulsory education for the children between the age group of 6 to 14 years in India. Yet if we look around at reality, we live in a state of paradoxes. While on one hand, there is unmatched development and growth of […]
Exploring new platforms for spreading awareness on the Rights of Women and Children

India is home to the largest number of children in the world and their exposure to vulnerabilities and violations of rights remain multiple in nature. The manifestations of these violations are in various forms like malnutrition, abuse, inadequate health care, foeticide, infanticide, school dropout, child marriage, child labour, child trafficking, beggary and many others. The […]