CHITHRA Don Bosco conducted a legal awareness programme at Vikala Chethana Vidhya Samaste, Matadahatti in Chitradurga on 29th December 2018. The training was organized under the project “Capacity Building for Gender Equality in Development, Peace and Security”. The guests who graced the occasion were Ms. Dilshad, Penal Advocate, District Legal Services, Chitradurga, Mr Shankarappa from Basaveshawara Vidhya Samaste, Chitradurga, Ms. Renuka, President, Vikala Chethana Vidya Samaste Matadahatti, Chitradurga. The training comprised the topics on women empowerment, gender equality and issues on child marriage. The session also inculcated the laws related to the protection of women from violence. It was intended to build awareness on laws for the protection of women and to know the justice system. The participants were enlightened on legal protections and procedures to obtain legal aids to find remedies for the problems and for the protection of their rights. At the end of the session the doubts and issues were clarified in details. 50 participants attended the training.
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