Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

‘Angels’ Receive Gifts from Youth Volunteers

‘Angels’ Receive Gifts from Youth Volunteers

A day before International Nurses Day, on Tuesday, May 11, Soumya Santhosh, a home nurse hailing from Kerala, was killed in a mortar shell attack in Israel. The statistics released by the Trained Nurses Association of India indicates that 90 nurses have lost their lives in the fight against COVID-19 across India. The loss could be much more on a global count. We bow our heads before your selfless, restless, dedicated service rendered for humanity, more so in this war against the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is fitting to honour and thank the Angels on earth on May 12, International Nurses Day.

 The Indian Catholic Youth Movement, Bangalore, in collaboration with Camellian Fathers and Don Bosco BREADS, Bangalore, wished 500 plus nurses working in two major hospitals in Bangalore on international nurses’ day with gifts wrapped in love. The nurses were given a gift kit and assurance of moral support by the young Covid volunteers from Bangalore. “The nurses were so happy when appreciated for their service to the Covid patients,” said Father Anil D’sa, a Salesian of Don Bosco and Youth Director of the Archdiocese of Bangalore. Their joy was boundless as tears welled up in the eyes when the youth wished them and promised support and prayers. Sr Maria, in charge of Covid patients in a hospital, remarked, “It’s a first-time, people coming from outside and wishing us God bless your loving service.”

The Corona has stalled all the usual celebrations on Nurses Day for the past two years. However, every moment is a celebration when a patient recovers, when smiles return to the fatigued faces. “Serving the Covid patients for the past 12days, I know the pain and struggles of nurses. They risk their lives to keep us safe,” said an emotionally charged Father Anil. With the timely support from Don Bosco BREADS, Bangalore, Father Anil and the team could reach out to nurses to boost their morale during this gruelling pandemic times with little gifts.

Let the appreciation never stop, as their service to humanity is limitless. Remember, at birth, the nurses heard our first cry and received us with a smile. Dear ‘Angels’, thank you!

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