Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

All in a Day’s Work!

In an initiative by the Dell Talent and Acquisition team with BREADS, 128 Dell employees came to work on 30 August 2024: not to their usual workstations and computers in office, but to paint the BOSCO Rainbow Home in Wilson Garden, Bangalore. As a corporate social activity, the Dell employees picked up paints, brushes and rollers to brighten up the living spaces of the 52 girls who live in Rainbow Home in the Hombegowda government school premises. The children in the age group of 6-23 years attend school and college while living in this home.

The Dell team showed dedication and interest in not only painting the walls but also in adding colourful artistic touches for the children’s enjoyment. They played and interacted with the girls and staff, sharing a simple tasty lunch before wrapping up a very different and fulfilling workday.

Good work, Dell Technologies! Thank you.

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