Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Child Safety Net

Child Safety Net project is creating an awareness, rescue, rehabilitation, networking and advocacy.

Under this project 17198 (boys 14937 and girls 2261) children ( as on June 2017) were Rescued from the streets of Bangalore cityUnder this project 14754 children were Repatriated with their families, 1992 children admitted in rehabilitation centre/care centre and 146 children are continuing bridge school at Bosco Bangalore.

Another 305 children were enrolled to vocational training, 225 were job placed and 67 of them were going to college for completing the studies.

Reached out to more than 300000 various stakeholders through 1697 awareness classes and as an antidote to child abuse and child rights violations in Bangalore city.

Formed caring community groups that act like vigilant groups; they referred 186 children during the last one year.

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