Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Training under-privileged young hands for the biggest two-wheeler industry in the world

As Fr. George, former BREADS director for 12 years, very poignantly expressed: India is producing a staggering 19.91 million two-wheelers per year. Furthermore, it contributes to 7% of the country’s GDP and provides a steady job to some 29 million Indian people! Knowing that this industry is predicted to grow by 9%, and thus the employment opportunities are only going to rise themselves, Don Bosco is committed to empowering underprivileged youngsters of labor-founded communities to levy this opportunity, and find a technician job in India’s most impressive industry.

Don Bosco’s KGF Technical Institute is a prime example of this mantra – the center has rigorously collaborated with the Yamaha Training School (YTS) to offer technical education and generate employment for young students who were otherwise hard pressed by circumstances to give up education. The first batch of 11 qualified Technical Experts have happily graduated on the 2nd of March, and have left the celebration with not only a diploma and a dapper new uniform, but also a secure job at one of Yamaha’s Karnataka centers. How phenomenal. In just a couple months, the 11 eager students are at the brink of an exciting new life for themselves and their families. One which they could not hope to have just 2 months prior. As part of their continued CSR initiative, YTS Experts are poised to impart technical training to even more underprivileged, school dropouts and less educated youngsters (including girls!), at Don Bosco Technical Institute’s fully equipped training center. The director of the school, Fr Joseph, would like to welcome anyone who is interested.

As any good story, it does not stop here. At present, there is a huge skills gap in the technical realm and a large number of youngsters are pushed towards unemployment due to lack of relevant skills. That is why, Don Bosco’s Technical Institute supports the new generation by offering even further technical trainings that meet industry standards. The school currently provides 4 more full-time courses for 120 students: fitting, welding, electrical and CRM (with Hospitality to be added in the near future).

Technical know-how and entrepreneurial skills in younger generations will play a vital role in retaining India’s growth. The Don Bosco Institute was envisaged to facilitate just that, and the graduation of 11 “motorcycle doctors” is their proof and pride.

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