Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

“DeshMera, Vote Mera, MuddaMera” Campaign on 23rd March 2019

The upcoming election is the keen watch of time! While the country is at the crucial time, the security of the nation was obstructed and this has clear and evident chances of shifting the focus of the people from the original motive of the election. As part of the Mass Campaign, “DeshMera, Vote Mera, MuddaMera”, various events were conducted in ten districts of Karnataka for bringing the national attention back to its focus. Public meetings, mass awareness and remembering the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh, SukhDev and Rajguru was conducted on 23rd March 2019 in 10 districts of Karnataka state as part of the Campaign.

As a socially and democratically responsible organisation, BREADS joined hands with the Advocacy partner ‘Wada Na Todo Abhiyan’ (WNTA) to sensitise the citizens to judicious voting and prevention of derailment from the focus. WNTA initiated the campaign titled, “DeshMera, Vote Mera, MuddaMera” which is of National significance and to bring back the focus of the nation to the actual motive of the election and to the real issues such as unemployment, farm distress, rising inequality, crimes, condition of marginal communities and deficits in the basic welfare provisions. While it is for political parties to contest elections and appeal for votes, it is imperative that civil society organisations, social movements and groups who share a commitment to our Constitutional values co-ordinate their energies to restore democratic balance. With this intention, five awareness programs, two human chain campaigns, two rallies and two public gathering programs and garlanding the statue of Bhagat Singh etc., were conducted in the ten districts of Karnataka.

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