Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

Children in action at summer camp Kumsi, Kalaburgi

Summer holidays have begun. We see children enthusiastic and exploring every bit of their environment which they have missed out during previous months of busy studies and school preparations. While parents are engaged in their daily and monotonous activities, it may not be easy to engage their children in productive activities or effectively spent time with their children. This is the worry of most parents at this time. CREAM organises summer camps for the CRC (Child Rights Club) children and the children from supplementary education centres every year. We help these children from the villages to organise and use their potentials, energy and time judiciously without missing on fun and entertainments.

Summer camp 2019 is organised by the CREAM staff in Gulbarga district, Karnataka. The camp is organised in such a manner where all the supplementary education centres have two days camp for children beginning from 29th April to 20th May 2019 following one after the other. During the schedule, the camp for the new and old CRC will also be conducted to allow children from CRC to have a distraction free time and kick their tires on a new interest. Currently the district has completed the camp in Nandikoor village and has begun the second camp at Kumsi village on 2nd May 2019 for two days. There are 42 children participating and cherishing their holidays in a fruitful manner. The participants do not only involve the regular students from the evening tuition centres alone but it is open to other children from the village as well. The camp has wisely included few games and activities which promote learning through doing, so that interest is created in children towards learning especially to motivate those children not regular in schooling. The benefits of camp are plenty, from life lessons beyond the classroom and the value of playtime to appreciating nature and building confidence and leadership skills. It’s pleasant to see children learn socialisation skills while making new friends, exploring their areas of expertise, learning the skill of adaptation, taking initiatives, becoming leaders on their own, experimenting and exploring creativity. Above all we see children laugh, play, be silly, relax and in action.

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