Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS)

National Girl Child Day Celebration in Yadgir

Don Bosco Yadgir in collaboration with the Konkal Gram Panchayat (GP)of Gurumitkal taluk, Yadgir district celebrated  National Girl Child Day at the Konkal Government High School on 24 January 2021. Children from 5 different schools of Konkal GP participated in the event. On the occasion, special cultural and sports events were conducted for girls such as folk dances, rangoli competitions, drawing, storytelling, athletic activities, public speaking, and poem writing. Mr. Sharanappa, Coordinator-CREAM (Child Rights Education and Action Movement) spoke about the importance of the day and provided awareness on child helpline number 1098, child protection mechanisms, and child rights education.  Prizes were distributed to the winners of various competitions during the concluding ceremony.

National Girl Child Day was widely celebrated in the district per the directions of Smt. Shilpa Sharma, Chief Executive Officer, Yadgir. In Konkal GP, the day was celebrated under the able leadership of Smt. Radhika, Panchayat Development Officer, Konkal with the newly-elected gram panchayat members being present on the occasion

Don Bosco Yadgir and the CREAM team participated in celebrations of National Girl Child Day in 21-gram panchayats across Sirpur, Shahapur, Wadigera, Gurumitkal and Yadgir taluks.

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